WP7 MarketPlace Enabler

WP7 MarketPlace Enabler goes a step further to make things easier. It allows you to access MarketPlace from anywhere in the world via your Zune software. You will be able to download the free apps for free For the Paid apps you will of course be required to pay as usual, via your Credit Card. This should presumably also translate into more sales for the WP7 app developers. Hopefully, Windows Phone users from all over the world will now be able to enhance their  Windows Phone functionality and use it to its fullest potential. A Windows Phone (or any phone for that matter) without apps does feel crippled, and this tool should help WP7 users realize the beauty of their new operating system from Microsoft. To use this tool, first run the .exe file, from the drop-down menu select the country from where you want to access the MarketPlace and click Apply. It will add your country code to your Windows computers registry. That’s all! Now connect your Windows Phone to your Windows PC. Your Zune software will automatically start and you will be alerted with the following message: Features have changed.  Click OK. You will see the Marketplace tab too now, in your Zune software. Do note that, you may have to first run the Enabler, before, every time you connect your Windows Phone. WP7 MarketPlace Enabler has been tried on and works with Zune software v 4.7.1404.0. It may  or may not work with later versions.

WP7 MarketPlace Enabler v 1.0 has been developed by me for The Windows Club. If you liked this freeware, you might want to see our other exciting freeware releases for Windows!

WP7 MarketPlace Enabler lets you access MarketPlace from anywhere - 43WP7 MarketPlace Enabler lets you access MarketPlace from anywhere - 79